The Lymphatic System – a simple explanation

The Lymphatic System – a simple explanation

The Lymphatic System is a complex system in our bodies, but has a simple job.

It runs ‘parallel’ to the bloodstream and carries fluid, nutrients, bad cells and toxins through our bodies to either our muscle tissue and organs (the nutrients & fluid), or excretes through our bowel system or sweat glands (the fluid, toxins, bad cells) .

The easiest way to explain it is using the analogy of the gutter/drain system in our homes.

When rain falls into our brand new gutters, it flows freely down gutter and into the drains, making our home plumbing and drainage, flow effectively. With time, dust, dirt, leaves, twigs, pebbles, leaves, bird nests fall in. These muddy up with the rain and as the gutter dries up, these ‘toxins” stick to the bottom of the gutter and create a layer of mud. Overt time, this process repeats and layers continue to create.

The drains block, gutters gunk up and moss grows. Rain pours again, but now, the gutters are full, so our drains starts to overflow, leak or damage. So we call on an expert to get up on the roof, pressure hose the gutters and ‘chisel’ out that “gunk’. Drains unblock, gutters clear, water flows and drainage effective again….repeat!

Similarly, the more we eat, drink and medicate, our lymphatic nodes struggle to ‘pump’ and so our system becomes sluggish, thick and stuck. Our drinks don’t absorb and flush, our food doesn’t breakdown and digest. Muscletissue and organs are starved of fluid and nutrients. So we start to feel tired, bloated, heavy, achey, anxious, sluggish and just feel ‘gluggy’.

So we call on an expert to ‘chisel’ out that “gunk” and allow the nodes to pump effectively again. Whether the technique is slow and super-soft, or vigorous with vibration and dry brushing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) is an amazing way to treat conditions, post surgery rehab, general  feel-good and overall wellness.

The awareness of MLD is growing more and more each day. People are googling it’s benefits and using it as a natural way to manage chronic conditions, lymphodema (and the like), puffiness in ankles, face and arms, indigestion, intolerances, IBS, PCOS, Endo, hayfever and sinus, TMJ, headaches, Arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation and post surgery recovery (lipo, Tummy Tuck)…just to name a few!!!

It’s amazing when you see, hear or feel it ‘moving’. Some say they feel tingly in legs. Some hear their tummy gurgle. Some cough as the sinus is cleared.

Clients get off that table feeling amazingly relaxed, 5kg lighter, shoes, jeans or bras fitting better.  They say they have the best sleep and run to the toilet frequently….no doubt, immediate benefits!


Some common questions I get asked:

  • Can it help me lose weight?
    • Because we work through the stomach and ‘gut’ area, we help free up any blockages and aid the digestive system. Keeping in mind, managing weight relies on a balanced diet and movement
  • How often should I have one:?
    • This could be your first in your life. So you could potentially go ‘your life’ again. However as we are more aware of wellness and how we ‘like to feel’. So unless you have a condition requiring more regular treatments, I suggest having another in 4-6wks. See how you feel leading up. If you feel good, still have it and then extend your next one out to 8-10wks. Repeat. Based on your lifestyle, you will soon establish the appropriate frequency for you.